Cranbrook’s Rail History in Objects and Photos
(Social Studies Grades 4 and 5)

During this activity, students explore artifacts and historic photographs in our collection to learn about Cranbrook’s history.
They will interpret how different artifacts were used, and what they tell us about the people who settled in Cranbrook. They learn about how the arrival of the railroad impacted those already living in ʔa·kisk̓aqǂiʔit (Cranbrook) and at yaqawxaquʔkuʔki (Fort Steele), both settlers and the Ktunaxa..
Based on what they learn, students make their own historic posters reacting to the arrival of the railroad in Cranbrook.
Duration 50 minutes
Location Royal Alexandra Hall and the Lower Galleries. Wheelchair accessible.
Core Competencies
✦ Take stakeholders perspectives on issues, development or events by making inferences about their beliefs, values, motivations
✦ Make ethical judgments about events, decisions, or actions that consider the conditions of a particular time and place, and assess appropriate ways to respond (ethical judgment)
✦ Differentiate between short- and long-term causes, and intended and unintended consequences, of events, decisions, or developments (cause and consequence)
Big Ideas and Content
✦ G4: The pursuit of valuable natural resources has played a key role in changing the land, people, and communities of Canada.
✦ G4: Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, which continues to shape Canada’s identity.
✦ G5: Natural resources continue to shape the economy and identity of different regions of Canada.
✦ G5: Immigration and multiculturalism continue to shape Canadian society and identity.
First Peoples Principles of Learning
✦ Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s action
✦ Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities.
✦ Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story. Learning involves patience and time
✦ Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.