Mapping Cranbrook
(Social Studies – Grades 1 to 3)

During their visit students will explore different types of maps at the Cranbrook History Centre and what they can tell us about the city we call home. They will explore the Cranbrook Centennial Quilt, our model train display of historic Cranbrook, and traditional maps of Cranbrook in our collection to see what kinds of information they can learn about our city from each type of map.
In the main activity, classes will make their own version of the Cranbrook Quilt to share what Cranbrook looks like to them. It will be put on display at the museum to share what Cranbrook means to its students with the public.
Duration 50 minutes
Location Lower Galleries, Model Train Display, and Royal Alexandra Hall. Wheelchair accessible.
Core Competencies
✦ Sequence objects, images, or events, and distinguish between what has changed and what has stayed the same (continuity and change)
✦ Explain the significance of personal or local events, objects, people, or places (significance)
Big Ideas and Content
✦ G1 We shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live.
✦ G1 Natural and human-made features of the local environment, characteristics of the local community that provide organization and meet the needs of the community
✦ G3 Relationship between humans and their environment
First Peoples Principles of Learning
✦ Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.
✦ Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors
✦ Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).
✦ Learning requires exploration of one’s identity.