Our First Contribution to the Cranbrook History Centres’ new Endowment Fund


Today at the Cranbrook History Centre we were making history!

With the opening of our Endowment fund held by the Cranbrook & District Community Foundation, we have received our first $10, 000 contribution.

This endowment is a first step for the Cranbrook History Centre to push forwards with new programs, restorations and updates that will improve the centre for both the community and visitors from around the world who come to see our marvelous paleontology and historic rail car collections.

Below is a picture of Walter Komar, whose $47,000 bequest has helped make this possible.


Endowment PicAccepting the cheque (from left to right) are Jeanette Sissons-Board Member, Bob Whetham-Board Member, David Humphrey – Board Member, Riley Wilcox – Cranbrook & District Community Foundation. Executive Director Charlotte Murray is handing them the cheque with Mike Balfour – the Vice-Chair of our board and Guy Santucci – Board Member to her right.