Toddler Tuesdays

Cranbrook HIstory Centre 57 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Join us for a train storytime surrounded by local railcars! Free craft hosted by the museum afterwards. Toddler Tuesdays is an off-season (September – May) program that takes place at the Cranbrook History Centre on the last Tuesday of every month. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering […]


Toddlers Tuesday

Join us for a train storytime surrounded by local railcars! Free craft hosted by the museum afterwards. Toddler Tuesdays is an off-season (September – May) program that takes place at the Cranbrook History Centre on the last Tuesday of every month. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering […]

Toddler Tuesday – October

Royal Alexandra Hall 57 Van Horne Street S, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

The last Tuesday of every month is Toddler Tuesdays! In partnership with The Cranbrook Public Library, join us for stories, songs and a craft activity. Toddler Tuesdays is showcased in our Day Parlor historic railcar and our Paleontology exhibit, where we have rotating themes of TRAINS and DINOSAURS.   Join us Tuesday, October 25th at […]


Toddler Tuesday

Join us for a train story time surrounded by local railcars! Free craft hosted by the museum afterwards. Toddler Tuesdays is an off-season (September – May) program that takes place at the Cranbrook History Centre on the last Tuesday of every month. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is […]

Toddler Tuesday – December Holiday Edition!

Cranbrook HIstory Centre 57 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Join us for a Holiday story time at the festive Cranbrook History Centre! Free craft hosted by the museum afterwards. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering with the Cranbrook Public Library on this monthly program. The hour-long program offers a free story time led by the library, […]


Toddler Tuesday – Trains, Trains Trains!

Cranbrook HIstory Centre 57 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Join us for story time in one of our historic train cars! Free activity hosted by the museum afterwards. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering with the Cranbrook Public Library on this monthly program. The hour-long program offers a free story time led by the library, and […]


Toddler Tuesday – Stomp them Dino Feet!

Join us for story time in one of our historic train cars! Free activity hosted by the museum afterwards. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering with the Cranbrook Public Library on this monthly program. The hour-long program offers a free story time led by the library, and […]

Toddler Tuesday – Special Ktunaxa Storytelling

Join us for a very special storytelling event with Ktunaxa Elder, Margaret Teneese! Free activity hosted by the museum afterwards. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering with the Cranbrook Public Library on this monthly program. The hour-long program offers a free story time led by the library […]

Toddler Tuesday – Whistles, Horns and Steam!

Cranbrook HIstory Centre 57 Van Horne Street South, Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Join us for story time in one of our historic train cars! Free activity hosted by the museum afterwards. As a way of connecting our community with our collections, the museum is partnering with the Cranbrook Public Library on this monthly program. The hour-long program offers a free story time led by the library, and […]


New Toddler Tuesday: Coffee and Classic Cartoons

Due to popular demand, we have added another Toddler Tuesday on the 2nd Tuesday of each month! The themes on the 2nd Tuesday will be new each month. (The 4th Tuesday of each month will remain Storytime and Crafts with the Cranbrook Public Library, alternating between the train and paleo exhibits.) Entry to the program […]